Saturday, August 1, 2009


My father's sleep was very short due to the monks, who started ringing the bells at 4 AM. Luckily I used ear plugs. Our breakfast was served in my father's room. Pancake bread, eggs, jelly and milk tea, we are being really spoiled here. The monk's breakfast consists only of bread and butter tea.

In the morning, we met the locale carpenter. We discussed how he would make the balance board,stelts and table tennis board.

Gen Tsering-la gave us a tour of the monastry.

Upon entering the tempel I was dazzeld by the rich and colourful display of their culture. We saw the different classrooms and the hall where I will be teaching sports. It was bigger then I expected but it needs some cleaning up. After this tour I was pleased to learn that the monks eat 3 times a day, so we were offered a meal of rice and dalh for the first time. In the afternoon we went shopping for bamboo. This will be used to make the steltsand sportshoes for the monks.

In the evening, we gave the t-shirts we brought to the monks. It was a very busy day.

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