The temperature was extremely high and it was not easy to find some shade. In the excitement of arriving and finding our taxi driver my father forgot his handluggage in the airport, luckily it was still there. After a chaotic drive, on the left and right side of the road, through the red traffic lights we found out that honcking is a national sport next to cricket. We stopped at a busy road full of shoppers, people working and sleeping in their beds? or on their tricycles. At this early point we experienced our first cultural shock.
Through a very small funny smelling street we arrived at our hotel. We where very surprised how the inside contrasted with what we saw few seconds before. After some rest we put on are tourist shoes and mingled with the chaos of the old part of Delhi.
In the middle of the night we left for catching our plane. We where truly asthonished of the immense amount of people sleeping outside at the most impossible places.
Blij dat jullie goed zijn aangekomen en Happy Birthday, broertje !! x