Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
27 november : Exhibition support for Nepal in the worldcafé @ Halle : 2176€
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Support by our dear friends Louis and Lieve : 1.165€
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Naam van de activiteit: Support for Nepal “ Verloren hart ”
Datum: 27 November
Uur: 17u
Plaats: Oude Post
Organisatoren: Support for Nepal Team.
Prijs: Gratis
Korte toelichting over de activiteit/programma:
Op 27 november vertelt ‘Support for Nepal’ het verhaal van 8 jongeren die deze zomer hun hart verloren in Nepal. Hun missie is, om in samenwerking met hun Nepalese vrienden, de lokale bevolking te helpen bij hun struggle naar zelfredzaamheid. In de voetsporen van Geshe Pema Dorjee (een boeddhistische monnik met 1 levensdoel: verwaarloosde, zieke en vergeten kinderen en noodlijdenden te helpen) werken zij samen met de plaatselijke bevolking, sociaal - humanitaire ontwikkelingsprojecten uit. Zij hopen u op deze avond voor te stellen aan Geshe Pema Dorjee. Deze monnik is gedoctoreerd in het Boeddhisme en draagt onder zijn enorme bescheidenheid een bron van wijsheid. Zijn komst is niet 100% zeker en hangt volledig af van de good will van de Indische visum-beamten (die al 7 maanden op zich laten wachten).
Dankzij de steun van heel wat sympathisanten slaagden de 8 jongeren er in om 25 000€ in te verzamelen. Op deze avond kom je te weten hoe dit geld geïnvesteerd werd in de lokale projecten en wat hun plannen voor de toekomst zijn. Zij toveren voor jullie de Oude Post om in een Nepalese ontdekkingsreis voor al jullie zintuigen. Kom genieten van de Nepalese warmte en de natuurlijke pracht dat dit land te bieden heeft. Tijdens deze gezellige avond zal je jezelf eveneens kunnen verliezen in het prachtige Nepalese handwerk dat ten voordele van deze projecten zal verkocht worden op een idyllisch Nepalees marktje van juweeltjes, Boeddha beeldjes tot tafelkleedjes en singing bowls
Friday, August 6, 2010
Financial support: Support 4 Nepal 2010
We already had some days to recover from our magnificent trip.
Time to give you a final update about our trip to Nepal, what did we actually manage and realise in Nepal?
The past year we succeeded to collect 25 000€ thanks to all your help!
How did we spent this money in Nepal:
The monastery that we support is overcrowded and wants to extend, to realise this they need
130 000€. They already realized to collect 25 000€. This year we donated 14 000€ this means that still 91 000 is needed to build their new building. These children come from very remote areas and are often the victim of neglection and abuse... because of this reason our financial support is of utmost importance within our project. These children get a loving home and a good education in their monastery!
500€ is donated for sports materials for the school in Ratankot.
500€ is donated for sports materials for the monks in the monastry.
200€ is donated to buy 2 corn pealers for the villagers in Ratankot. People are forced to peel the corn by hand after drying it under their roof tops, this is very labour-intensive. With the corn pealer work will be finished faster. Time is very important for these people. Most of the villagers only work to survive (to harvest enough food) some of them even have to search work around Ratankot with other farmers because their harvest is not sufficient to support their family.
These corn pealers will be property of the community of Ratankot (a group of people who pay every month a small amount of money to join the community) . The goal of the community is to stimulate trading in Ratankot.
In future they will try to buy all the fruits and vegetables in Ratankot and sell them on the market in Kathmandu (this is only possible in big quantities). This way the farmers get a reasonable price for their fruits and vegs and the community keeps a small profit. The members of the community also participate in trainings organised by the government helping afterwards other farmers with the knowledge they gained.
The villagers can also borrow money for urgent medical matters from the community. Afterwards they have to pay the money back without any interests. The community also tries to organise medical cares, social projects and agricultural projects in Ratankot. The community consists out of older respected and young motivated villagers (although I must say they are all very very motivated to help their village!)
2000€ is donated to buy and plant trees.
We bought 5000 butter tree seeds this is a tree with a lot of healing power it is also used for making butter delivers good wood and is a preferred tree for honey bees. We bought and planted 500 fruit trees and Karma got 400 wood trees for free from the government. Later this year another 400 fruit trees will be planted. All the villagers who helped with planting these trees got the possibility to buy some of the donated fruit trees for a very small amount ( in this way the fruit trees will be looked after very carefully. The villager didn't get anything for free but they had to make a small personal investment. The community also had a small income out of the tree selling and they can use this budget to organise similar projects).
300€ is donated to build 10 garbage collection points, this is to prevent the garbage dumping in Ratankot and is the start of organising a waste management system.
1200€ is donated for the water distribution fund. During the raining season people get sick because water get mixed with cow dung and human dung, people drink from these water sources running down from the mountain tops. In the future the villagers want to build a water distribution system to prevent these difficult problems.
150€ is used to buy materials to work on the greenhouse and in the rice fields, these materials are now donated to the community of Ratankot and can be lent to villagers.
Next year we will travel back to Nepal to evaluate all our projects and to continue helping these people who are so motivated to improve their standard of living.