We would alsow like to thank our sponsors:
Bavik beer - Smiths chips -Red Cross - Sabam - Haifax - Scouting Halle - Federale Inssuance - BNP Paribas Fortis Halle - fifty-one International Coloma - Carbomat - Bakkery Wim on the Brusselse Steenweg 112 Halle - Brewer Marc Dedobbeleer Vestingsstraat 13 (Halle centre)- design flyer frestyle 0479/82.72.35 - Boon Beer- fotographers: Bert Cosijns and Jonas Dreesen.
Alsow a big thanks to the artist who offered us a wonderfull evening not to forget on a volentary basis: Dennie Chantrain - Gus Luxmore - Choco La Mousse - De Vetsband - Zonko.
Especially thanks to the Community and the mayor of Pepingen as well as to the mayor and the city of Halle.
And lost but not least all the volunteers, friends, neighbours and family who made this a big succes!